lucene::search::AbstractCachingFilter | Wraps another filter's result and caches it |
lucene::util::AbstractDeletor | |
lucene::analysis::Analyzer | An Analyzer builds TokenStreams, which analyze text |
lucene::util::Array< T > | |
lucene::util::BitSet | |
lucene::search::BooleanClause | |
lucene::search::BooleanQuery | |
lucene::store::BufferedIndexInput | Abstract base class for input from a file in a Directory |
lucene::store::BufferedIndexOutput | Base implementation class for buffered IndexOutput |
jstreams::BufferedInputStream< T > | |
lucene::search::CachingWrapperFilter | Wraps another filter's result and caches it |
lucene::search::ChainedFilter | |
lucene::analysis::CharTokenizer | An abstract base class for simple, character-oriented tokenizers |
lucene::util::Comparable | |
lucene::util::Compare | |
lucene::util::Compare::_base | |
lucene::util::Compare::Char | |
lucene::util::Compare::Float | |
lucene::util::Compare::Int32 | |
lucene::util::Compare::TChar | |
lucene::util::Compare::Void< _cl > | |
lucene::document::DateField | Provides support for converting dates to strings and vice-versa |
lucene::search::DateFilter | A Filter that restricts search results to a range of time |
lucene::document::DateTools | |
LuceneBase | |
lucene::search::DefaultSimilarity | Expert: Default scoring implementation |
lucene::util::Deletor | |
lucene::util::Deletor::acArray | |
lucene::util::Deletor::Array< _kt > | |
lucene::util::Deletor::ConstNullVal< _type > | |
lucene::util::Deletor::Dummy | |
lucene::util::Deletor::DummyFloat | |
lucene::util::Deletor::DummyInt32 | |
lucene::util::Deletor::NullVal< _type > | |
lucene::util::Deletor::Object< _kt > | |
lucene::util::Deletor::tcArray | |
lucene::util::Deletor::Void< _kt > | |
lucene::store::Directory | A Directory is a flat list of files |
lucene::document::Document | Documents are the unit of indexing and search |
lucene::document::DocumentFieldEnumeration | |
lucene::util::Equals | |
lucene::util::Equals::Char | |
lucene::util::Equals::Int32 | |
lucene::util::Equals::TChar | |
lucene::util::Equals::Void< _cl > | |
lucene::search::Explanation | |
lucene::document::Field | A field is a section of a Document |
lucene::search::FieldCache | Expert: Maintains caches of term values |
lucene::search::FieldCache::StringIndex | Expert: Stores term text values and document ordering data |
lucene::search::FieldCacheAuto | A class holding an AUTO field |
lucene::search::FieldDoc | Expert: A ScoreDoc which also contains information about how to sort the referenced document |
lucene::search::FieldSortedHitQueue | Expert: A hit queue for sorting by hits by terms in more than one field |
jstreams::FileInputStream | |
lucene::util::FileReader | A helper class which constructs a FileReader with a specified simple encodings, or a given inputstreamreader |
lucene::search::Filter | |
lucene::search::FilteredTermEnum | |
lucene::store::FSDirectory | Straightforward implementation of Directory as a directory of files |
lucene::store::FSLockFactory | |
lucene::search::FuzzyQuery | |
lucene::search::FuzzyTermEnum | FuzzyTermEnum is a subclass of FilteredTermEnum for enumerating all terms that are similiar to the specified filter term |
lucene::search::HitCollector | |
lucene::search::HitDoc | |
lucene::search::Hits | A ranked list of documents, used to hold search results |
lucene::store::IndexInput | Abstract base class for input from a file in a Directory |
lucene::store::IndexInputStream | JStream InputStream which reads from an IndexInput |
lucene::index::IndexModifier | A class to modify an index, i.e |
lucene::store::IndexOutput | Abstract class for output to a file in a Directory |
lucene::index::IndexReader | IndexReader is an abstract class, providing an interface for accessing an index |
lucene::search::IndexSearcher | Implements search over a single IndexReader |
lucene::index::IndexWriter | An IndexWriter creates and maintains an index |
jstreams::InputStreamBuffer< T > | |
lucene::analysis::ISOLatin1AccentFilter | A filter that replaces accented characters in the ISO Latin 1 character set (ISO-8859-1) by their unaccented equivalent |
lucene::analysis::KeywordAnalyzer | "Tokenizes" the entire stream as a single token |
lucene::analysis::KeywordTokenizer | Emits the entire input as a single token |
lucene::analysis::LengthFilter | Removes words that are too long and too short from the stream |
lucene::analysis::LetterTokenizer | A LetterTokenizer is a tokenizer that divides text at non-letters |
lucene::store::LockFactory | |
lucene::analysis::LowerCaseFilter | Normalizes token text to lower case |
lucene::analysis::LowerCaseTokenizer | LowerCaseTokenizer performs the function of LetterTokenizer and LowerCaseFilter together |
lucene::store::LuceneLock | |
lucene::util::Misc | A class containing various functions |
lucene::queryParser::MultiFieldQueryParser | A QueryParser which constructs queries to search multiple fields |
lucene::index::MultiReader | |
lucene::search::MultiSearcher | Implements search over a set of Searchables |
lucene::search::MultiTermQuery | A Query that matches documents containing a subset of terms provided by a FilteredTermEnum enumeration |
lucene::util::mutexGuard | |
lucene::store::NoLockFactory | |
lucene::index::Payload | A Payload is metadata that can be stored together with each occurrence of a term |
lucene::analysis::PerFieldAnalyzerWrapper | This analyzer is used to facilitate scenarios where different fields require different analysis techniques |
lucene::search::PhraseQuery | |
lucene::search::PrefixFilter | |
lucene::search::PrefixQuery | A Query that matches documents containing terms with a specified prefix |
lucene::util::PriorityQueue< _type, _valueDeletor > | A PriorityQueue maintains a partial ordering of its elements such that the least element can always be found in constant time |
lucene::search::Query | The abstract base class for queries |
lucene::search::QueryFilter | |
lucene::queryParser::QueryParser | CLucene's default query parser |
lucene::queryParser::QueryParserBase | Contains default implementations used by QueryParser |
lucene::queryParser::QueryToken | |
lucene::store::RAMDirectory | A memory-resident Directory implementation |
lucene::search::RangeFilter | |
lucene::search::RangeQuery | Constructs a query selecting all terms greater than lowerTerm but less than upperTerm |
lucene::util::Reader | An inline wrapper that reads from Jos van den Oever's jstreams |
lucene::search::ScoreDoc | Expert: Returned by low-level search implementations |
lucene::search::ScoreDocComparator | Expert: Compares two ScoreDoc objects for sorting |
lucene::search::ScoreDocComparators | |
lucene::search::ScoreDocComparators::Float | |
lucene::search::ScoreDocComparators::IndexOrder | |
lucene::search::ScoreDocComparators::Int32 | |
lucene::search::ScoreDocComparators::Relevance | |
lucene::search::ScoreDocComparators::String | |
lucene::search::Scorer | Expert: Implements scoring for a class of queries |
lucene::search::Searchable | The interface for search implementations |
lucene::search::Searcher | An abstract base class for search implementations |
lucene::search::Similarity | Expert: Scoring API |
lucene::analysis::SimpleAnalyzer | An Analyzer that filters LetterTokenizer with LowerCaseFilter |
lucene::util::SimpleInputStreamReader | A very simple inputstreamreader implementation |
lucene::store::SingleInstanceLockFactory | |
lucene::search::Sort | Encapsulates sort criteria for returned hits |
lucene::search::SortComparator | Abstract base class for sorting hits returned by a Query |
lucene::search::SortComparatorSource | Expert: returns a comparator for sorting ScoreDocs |
lucene::search::SortField | Stores information about how to sort documents by terms in an individual field |
lucene::analysis::standard::StandardAnalyzer | Filters StandardTokenizer with StandardFilter, LowerCaseFilter and StopFilter, using a list of English stop words |
lucene::analysis::standard::StandardFilter | Normalizes tokens extracted with StandardTokenizer |
lucene::analysis::standard::StandardTokenizer | A grammar-based tokenizer constructed with JavaCC |
lucene::analysis::StopAnalyzer | Filters LetterTokenizer with LowerCaseFilter and StopFilter |
lucene::analysis::StopFilter | Removes stop words from a token stream |
jstreams::StreamBase< T > | Base class for stream read access to many different file types |
lucene::util::StringReader | A helper class which constructs a the jstreams StringReader |
jstreams::StringReader< T > | |
jstreams::SubInputStream< T > | |
lucene::index::Term | A Term represents a word from text |
lucene::index::Term_Compare | |
lucene::index::Term_Equals | |
lucene::index::TermDocs | TermDocs provides an interface for enumerating <document, frequency> pairs for a term |
lucene::index::TermEnum | |
lucene::index::TermFreqVector | Provides access to stored term vector of a document field |
lucene::index::TermPositions | TermPositions provides an interface for enumerating the <document, frequency, <position>* > tuples for a term |
lucene::index::TermPositionVector | Extends TermFreqVector to provide additional information about positions in which each of the terms is found |
lucene::search::TermQuery | A Query that matches documents containing a term |
lucene::index::TermVectorOffsetInfo | |
lucene::analysis::Token | A Token is an occurence of a term from the text of a field |
lucene::analysis::TokenFilter | A TokenFilter is a TokenStream whose input is another token stream |
lucene::analysis::Tokenizer | A Tokenizer is a TokenStream whose input is a Reader |
lucene::analysis::TokenStream | A TokenStream enumerates the sequence of tokens, either from fields of a document or from query text |
lucene::search::TopDocs | Expert: Returned by low-level search implementations |
lucene::search::Weight | Expert: Calculate query weights and build query scorers |
lucene::analysis::WhitespaceAnalyzer | An Analyzer that uses WhitespaceTokenizer |
lucene::analysis::WhitespaceTokenizer | A WhitespaceTokenizer is a tokenizer that divides text at whitespace |
lucene::search::WildcardFilter | |
lucene::search::WildcardQuery | Implements the wildcard search query |
lucene::search::WildcardTermEnum | Subclass of FilteredTermEnum for enumerating all terms that match the specified wildcard filter term-> |
lucene::analysis::WordlistLoader | Loader for text files that represent a list of stopwords |