CLucene - a full-featured, c++ search engine
API Documentation

lucene::index Namespace Reference

Data Structures

class  IndexModifier
 A class to modify an index, i.e. More...
class  IndexReader
 IndexReader is an abstract class, providing an interface for accessing an index. More...
class  IndexWriter
 An IndexWriter creates and maintains an index. More...
class  MultiReader
class  Payload
 A Payload is metadata that can be stored together with each occurrence of a term. More...
class  Term
 A Term represents a word from text. More...
class  Term_Equals
class  Term_Compare
class  TermDocs
 TermDocs provides an interface for enumerating <document, frequency> pairs for a term. More...
class  TermEnum
class  TermPositions
 TermPositions provides an interface for enumerating the <document, frequency, <position>* > tuples for a term. More...
class  TermFreqVector
 Provides access to stored term vector of a document field. More...
struct  TermVectorOffsetInfo
class  TermPositionVector
 Extends TermFreqVector to provide additional information about positions in which each of the terms is found. More...